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Официальные объявления

2024 OKFriends Homecoming Teens & Youth Camp: List of Selected Participants(7th, 8th)

Attached is the announcement of selected participants for the 2024 OKFriends Homecoming Teens & Youth Camp.

Emails will be sent individually to participants who have been selected to provide information on their camps.

※ 7th: teens,  8th: youth

※ How to check selection: Check from the attachment below, or Log in to Korean.net -> My Page -> Manage Applications -> Results

Attachment  1. 1 copy of the list of selected participants for the OKFriends Homecoming Teens Camp (7th)

                      2. 1 copy of the list of selected participants for the OKFriends Homecoming Youth Camp (8th) End.

첨부 1. 2024년 제7차 차세대동포 모국 초청연수 참가자 선정 명단.pdf 첨부 2. 2024년 제8차 차세대동포 모국 초청연수 참가자 선정 명단.pdf